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Sapphire extension brackets


A range of screen extension brackets suitable for most projection screens of up to 3000mm in length. Used to fix manual and electric screens on a wall when the screen cassette needs to be positioned a distance from the wall. Brackets are manufactured from steel tube and painted white. They are supplied with fixings to fit to the screen cassette. Wall fixings are not supplied. All brackets are supplied in pairs

Available in 30cm, 50cm and 75cm

Item ID:

SSB30 - 30cm extension brackets

SSB50 - 50cm extension brackets

SSB75 - 75cm extension brackets

Bracket ratings


We rate the 30cm brackets at  30kg each side making 60kg per pair for the screen. They have been tested to destruction individually at 115kg each making 230kg per pair.


We rate the 50cm brackets at 20kg each side making 40kg total for the screen. They have been tested to destruction at 80kg each making 160kg for the pair. 


We rate the 75cm brackets at 13kg each side making 26kg total for the screen. They have been tested to destruction at 40kg each making 80kg for the pair. 


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